About the Project
We're hoping to collect as many audio recordings from as many different locations as possible recorded on December 22nd.
This project started as an attempt to document the sound of the day of our daughter's birth. We thought the recordings were really interesting so why not keep doing it?
You don't need to be a recording engineer and it doesn't need to be anything magical — it can be anything at all. The sounds from your porch or the TV in your room or your trip to work or whatevers. Think 'day in the life'.
Any recording device will do. Cell phone, cassette recorder, video camera, computer mic, something fancy — we don't care. 30 seconds or 2 hours, length is up to you. Sadly, our host makes limits on the size of files that can be uploaded. If you have a long uncompressed file you'll either need to arrange to FTP it or compress it/edit it. Sorry for the hassle. If you don't know what an uncompressed file is, don't sweat this part.
If you prefer, you can mail something physical and we'll do our best to get it on the site.
Please, sign up to be notified if you'd like a reminder on the 22nd. We'll send you an email and/or a text message. You can also follow the action on twitter or be notified via RSS
Please, spread the word. The more the merrier.